Inica Dance Industries is a proud supporter of Toronto's Interval House. As the first centre for abused women and children in Canada, Interval House is the leader in the campaign for women's empowerment, providing innovative, specialized services that help abused women and their children transform their lives to break the cycle of violence.

Interval House provides a continuum of services, and a holistic approach to help women and children escape violence and rebuild their lives. The organization nurtures families from crisis intervention, to re-integration into the workforce and the community, with programs providing emotional support, practical help, and life skills.
Inica Dance Industries has been supporting the great mission, and vision of Interval House since 2008. We invite you, our partners, to Join I.D.I today by striving to provide immediate help to women and children. Visit the Interval House website, and learn how you can give. Your choice to donate, or volunteer, will change the lives of the wonderful women and children who utilize the services of Interval House on a daily basis.
"Inica Dance Industries volunteers at Interval House to provide free dance workshops for the women in our shelter. Nicole (Hamilton) is a wonderful teacher, who inspires the women we serve to have fun and enjoy dancing. Even those who are initially reluctant end up coming out of their shells and participating. We’re so grateful for Nicole and Inica Dance’s generosity in giving their time to help women in need through dance.” ~Paula Del Cid, Interval House Residential Program Supervisor.
To make a donation to Interval House, Please contact 416-924-1411 ext. 231. Visit now to learn more about Canada's oldest women's centre for abused women and children.
Photography by Aleia Robinson-Ada of AR4Photography