Dedicated to Education, Performance & Professional Development
Artistic Director- Nicole Inica Hamilton

Artistic Faculty - TrudyLee Gayle
At Inica Dance Industries, our methods of teaching strive to meet students with a position of care that encourages, uplifts, and supports the overall well-being and lived experiences of each student. Meet our faculty.
Classes and workshops
Inica Dance Industries is pleased to offer dance programming which includes full season courses, workshops, and health seminars. Programs are offered throughout the dance season, for pre-professional, and professional students. Drop in recreational dance classes are available to the public.
Private lessons
Register for classes with our esteemed faculty, to learn at your own pace. Curriculums are developed with technique, theory, and educational development in mind.
Health workshop series
Partake in educational forums to learn health and wellness techniques from medical, and allied health professionals.
Terms and conditions
Learn more about the terms and conditions when applying for programs at Inica Dance Industries.
For more information regarding programs, contact:
Michelle Ponniah, Administrative Manager
1-888-236-6799 x 4